Every day elderly people all around Teesside take part in Zumba to combat their loneliness.

Some of these sessions are ran by 56 year-old Glyn Stinchcombe, who’s been working closely with Age UK to get elderly people involved with Zumba.

His Zumba Gold sessions are ran for people who are in their ‘golden years’, and helps them keep fit, have fun and make friends along the way.

Loneliness is a huge problem in the UK for the elderly, with over 2.2 million people aged 75+ living alone, an increase of almost a quarter (24%) over the past 20 years (ONS).

Glyn’s sessions cater towards each individual, meaning that someone could even take part in a wheelchair if necessary.

Here’s an explanation as to how Zumba helps to tackle loneliness:

Glyn runs sessions all around Teesside, each for a low price of £3.50 for one hour, or £5 for two hours.

You can find a list of all of Glyn’s session locations and times here.

If this is of interest to you or someone you know, you can Contact Glyn.

Be sure to also check out his YouTube Channel where he posts regularly about his sessions.

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