Every day elderly people all around Teesside take part in Zumba to combat their loneliness.
Some of these sessions are ran by 56 year-old Glyn Stinchcombe, who’s been working closely with Age UK to get elderly people involved with Zumba.
His Zumba Gold sessions are ran for people who are in their ‘golden years’, and helps them keep fit, have fun and make friends along the way.
Loneliness is a huge problem in the UK for the elderly, with over 2.2 million people aged 75+ living alone, an increase of almost a quarter (24%) over the past 20 years (ONS).
Glyn’s sessions cater towards each individual, meaning that someone could even take part in a wheelchair if necessary.
Here’s an explanation as to how Zumba helps to tackle loneliness:
Glyn runs sessions all around Teesside, each for a low price of £3.50 for one hour, or £5 for two hours.
You can find a list of all of Glyn’s session locations and times here.
If this is of interest to you or someone you know, you can Contact Glyn.
Be sure to also check out his YouTube Channel where he posts regularly about his sessions.

Hi! My name is Daniel Ragusa and I am a Multimedia Journalist in the final year of my degree at Teesside University.
Sport Journalism, BA (Hons)
Since I was a child I’ve always dreamed of being involved in sport. Like many others, I wanted to be competing on the biggest sporting stages – however that didn’t exactly go to plan. The next best thing for me was being able to get involved within the sport, and that’s where journalism came in. I’m a proud Teessider, so being able to report on and work with Middlesbrough Football Club is a dream come true for me. I’ve won two awards at University, the ‘Ali Brownlee Sports Coverage Award’ and also the ‘Video Journalist of the Year award’. Every day that I get to work in this industry is a pleasure, and I’m excited for whatever the future holds following my graduation from University.
Software & Hardware Proficiencies
I am skilled using Adobe software, Open Media, Scheduler, Dira applications and iMovie. I’m very familiar with various pieces of radio hardware and can desk drive at BBC Radio Stations. I can also use professional cameras, as well as video cameras such as the AC-90.
Employment, Work Experience & Volunteering
I currently freelance for BBC Radio Tees as both a Journalist and a Broadcast Assistant. These roles involve producing content for all kinds of different shows, speaking to a variety of different people. I’m also part of the BBC Radio Tees sport team, where I work on a match day for both Middlesbrough and Hartlepool United fixtures.
I have also carried out work for Middlesbrough Football Club, Middlesbrough Football Club Foundation, Tyne and Wear TV and Sky News. As well as this I also voluntarily worked for Stockton-based charity ‘A Way Out’ as part of their 2018 Christmas campaign, producing various amounts of content for them.
Despite studying a Sport Journalism course, I often delve into the wider journalistic world too. I have created pieces of work varying from politics to mental health. I love to play sport, something in which has increased my knowledge of the differing rules in each sport. I have a keen eye for graphic design, and also love music. Visiting different places in the world and photography are also huge passions of mine.