For this project, two machine learning regression models were used to create two web services, which are consumed by an application. The first web service uses linear regression and the second web service uses decision forest regression. The application sends battery data to the web services, which returns predictions on the remaining useful lifetime of the batteries.
The accuracy of the predictions was calculated to be 78% for linear regression and 75% for decision forest regression. It was observed that, as a general rule, batteries that had a smaller remaining useful lifetime would have more accurate predictions.
Regression was found to be a suitable approach to predicting and expressing the remaining lifetimes of batteries. Through analysing the weights of the parameters available in the dataset, a number of parameters were able to be removed without significantly impacting the accuracy of the predictions. This allows a streamlined model and is especially useful for batch requests, where the amount of information being sent is significantly reduced.
I have recently completed my BSc Computing at Teesside University, I am committed to a career involving programming. Strong specific and transferable skills gained from completing a year in industry as well as employment, academic and extra-curricular experience. I learned to program independently and increased these skills through studying at University. My third year project made use of Machine Learning to predict the remaining useful lifetime of batteries.
My main interest is in software development and my technical skills include: Machine Learning, C#, Java, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, .NET, SQL and Microservices.
During my work placement I used webforms and .NET Framework and through study I have also gained knowledge in MVC and .NET Core. I have also assisted the University at numerous events that aimed to teach Machine Learning; at the last event that I attended, I led a session teaching Machine Learning to college students.
I enjoy being creative in my spare time and particularly enjoy creative writing. I also program independently. Currently I am undertaking an online course that teaches game development using Unity, which makes use of problem solving skills and further develops my understanding of C#.