What’s it like working in the NHS fighting the virus on the frontline?

During lockdown key workers were shown that extra bit of encouragement and consideration with the “Clap for Carers” being held across the country every Thursday night.

But what was it like working in the NHS on the frontline in the fight against the Coronavirus?

TUXtra reporter Maryam Ali spoke to Paediatric Nurse and Teesside University alumni, Nahila, about her experiences.

Nahila, in her 30’s, a qualified nurse since 2016.

This year in particular, 295,620 nurses have joined the NHS due to high demand, many of these workers will be wary they may be putting their own family at risk when returning home from their shifts. However, the disposal of uniforms once a staff member has finished their shift has changed in order to prevent a potential spread of the virus.

The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, aims to boost public finances after borrowing money to fund fighting COVID-19. However, reports of him wanting to impose a pay freeze has resulted in backlash. The question is, is the plan of public sector workers pay being put on a stand still for a number of years a good idea ?



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