STORM DRIFTER was my final year BA project where I developed a series of narrative-driven concept designs for a fictional Wild Western Fantasy video-game. The plot follows the life of Wren, a young mercenary who must learn to trust again by putting his life in the hands of a potentially dangerous dragon. Wren’s prosthetic left leg was a key part of his character design, as I wanted to encourage further disability representation in games.
Most of the project consisted of digital painting in Photoshop alongside some 3D modelling in Sketchup. With the completion of this project I feel that my workflow has become considerably more refined in terms of precision and speed, and that my understanding of colour and lighting has improved. I hope that this project showcases my skills regarding character, costume and creature design- and that you enjoy looking through it! Click here to view my portfolio website.
BA Concept Art
Hi! I’m Madeleine, a BA Concept Art student who specialises in designing narrative-driven characters, costumes and prop designs. Through my semi-realistic and expressive style, I’m able to create distinctive pieces with ornate details and realistic rendering. Alongside my experiences with teamwork and familiarity with industry protocol, I also have fundamental 3D modelling skills. I enjoy approaching projects with a lot of enthusiasm and research, with fantasy being my favourite genre due to its unlimited potential for creativity!
Winner of the TechArt award at Teesside Expotential (2018), finalist of the FINAL FANTASY XIV furniture design contest (2019).
Software & Hardware Proficiencies
Photoshop, Sketchup, Z-Brush, Autodesk Maya, Adobe Aftereffects. Digital painting, ‘photobashing’ and photo manipulation, 3D modelling.
Employment, Work Experience & Volunteering
Freelance concept designer & illustrator. 3 months studying industrial design in Singapore.
Ancient history (especially Celtic history), fantasy video-games/RPGs and novels, creating characters & world-building!