Everyone’s new normal consists of wearing facial coverings, regularly washing hands and social distancing to try and stop the spread of the Coronavirus that nobody wants to catch.
But what’s is really like to contract the virus ?
North East University student, Ellie Kirby, 18, contracted COVID-19 and showed all the classic symptoms associated with the virus.
She said: “I caught a nasty case of the virus, I had no appetite, a hacking cough which had me in a lot pain in my right chest.”
“I couldn’t breathe properly.”
The BBC has found that more than 1,800 North East students have tested positive for COVID-19.

Northumbria University student Ellie believes young people need to take the risk of catching the virus seriously and adhere to the rules.
Click on the video below to find out more about Ellie’s experience of coping with Covid-19.
Outside of her studies Ellie also attends dance classes, but as a result of catching the virus, her breathing difficulties meant that she was unable to take part in her favourite pastime.
After self isolating for two weeks she has since recovered from the virus and returned to dance as well as becoming an NHS COVID response volunteer.
If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, refer to either the NHS COVID-19 app or the Gov.uk Coronavirus section of the website for more guidance.