In light of the recent increase in spiking case reports, Middlesbrough nightclub, The Empire has become one of the first clubs in the area to take a stand.
According to ITV news, nearly 200 drink spiking incidents have been reported to UK police forces in the past two months with student areas being the most heavily targeted.
The Empire have taken extra precautions including extensive bag searches, additional staff training as well as offering free ‘Stop Topps’ to cover drinks and help ensure their customers safety.
If you think you or a friend have been spiked, there are a few things you can do to help:
- Alert a member of staff
- Stay with them and keep talking to them
- Call an ambulance if their condition deteriorates
- Don’t let them go home on their own
- Don’t let them leave with someone they don’t know or trust
- Don’t let them drink more alcohol- this could lead to a more serious problem
- Offer them small sips of water that will be available from the bar
Click on the video below to find out more.

- Third year journalism student
- Rave Reporter @ Capital Dance