Assessment deadlines, housing, the pressure to get that first-class honours at the end can all lead to mental stresses.
University can create a huge bubble of anxiety that we manage to get ourselves caught in.
Housing and accommodation are some of the main causes for extra stress put on students.
Teesside University’s student support, located in the Students’ Union, has now planned some pop-up clinics around the campus that they will be running from November 12-16.
Iain Clement and John Pinkney, from the Student Support team, will be running the pop-up clinics.
They will be able to give hands-on support with accommodation and If you have any questions or advice they will be there to answer them.
They will be located in a range of buildings across the campus, including: Athena – 12/11/19; Students’ Union 13/11/19; Centuria 14/11/18; Stephenson 15/11/18 and Clarendon 16/11/19
Additionally, the Students’ Union is organising a student housing event on Tuesday November 21 from 11am – 3pm.
Any landlords, accredited by the University, will be attending and will be able to help those looking for accommodation next year.
Student halls that are not provided by the University, including Rede House and Linthorpe Halls, will be attending this event as well.
If students are not available for these specific days, the Student Support office is open all day from Monday – Friday.
Teesside is on the case when it comes to student mental health, so don’t be shy to get advice.