For the first exercise on the Intro to Media Production course we were asked to provide images in the landscape and portrait formats, along with an abstract image.
In terms of theme, I took photographs on the journey I take on one of my bike ride routes along the River Tees. Rather than take the usual shots of the Transporter Bridge, I thought I would focus on some of the largely unseen places on the route. I really like some of the underpasses, particularly how the graffiti blends in with the natural environment.
The photographs were taken on my work phone, while the black & white and abstract images were processed in Adobe Photoshop.

I’m a member of the DigitalCity team in Teesside University. I manage the DigitalCity Accelerator Programme – a unique initiative that has been designed for early stage digital/tech businesses and offers a programme of workshops, bespoke mentoring/coaching and grant funding.
I also support non-digital businesses with their digital transformation and digital adoption plans through process mapping, digital audits, coaching/mentoring, training, signposting and activities that will help them manage change within their organisation.
Outside of my current role, I have commercial, freelance and voluntary experience of working in the design, advertising and media sectors over many years. I’m a music maker and songwriter with broadcast credits on regional, national and international radio. I’m passionate about the Tees Valley and all things digital.