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Work Showcase – Cameron Wren

Liberate Central Park
Genre – First Person Shooter
Software used – Maya, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine 4

Liberate Central Park is a mission designed to take place in the video game AraknaZ, where the main protagonist is assigned to go into Central Park and destroy the spider hives spaced around the landmark. The mission starts with the player at the entrance of the park, with a mission objective appearing and informing them to move further into the park to find out what happened to the base that was stationed there. The player will discover 2 branching paths further into the park but both have been blocked off by supplies, with the only way to progress being a boat beached on the lake, the player will sail over to Bethesda Terrace where they will be ambushed by the enemy Arachnids. Once they have cleared Bethesda Terrace, a new mission objective will appear alaerting the player to move onto the base camp to gather more intel. It is here that the player will discover the base camp has been overran by more Arachnids which have set up more hives that spawn more Arachnids until they are destroyed, triggering the boss to spawn to cap off the mission.

Gameplay Video –

A Night In The Woods
Genre – Horror/Survival
Software Used – Maya, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine 4. Photoshop

A Night In The Woods is functioning UI prototype made for a horror/survival game in Unreal Engine 4. The design of the UI elements themselves were made in Photoshop, with the assets being made in Maya/Substance Painter and the functionality of the UI elements being done via blueprints in Unreal Engine.

UI Demo Video –

Game Asset Creation – Game Room
Software Used – PureRef, Maya, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine 4

For this piece of work, I needed to design and model a game room from scratch, This involved planning out the layout of the room and it’s contents using reference images and then moving into Maya and modelling everything and then assembling the room in Unreal Engine 4. In Unreal Engine I also did the lighting of the room and how that effected the objects around it.

Cameron WREN

View my online portfolio here: Hi, my name is Cameron and I am currently studying a BA (Hons) Computer Games Design degree at Teesside University. I am a hard working and dedicated individual looking for a placement or a position as a games designer within the games industry so I can improve upon my skills to become a better designer. I am currently in my second year of studies at Teesside and although the past 12 months have been quite a challenging obstacle for my work, I have persevered through it whilst becoming a more decicated student, even though I know there are still alot of areas for improvement within my work. Linkedin Profile:

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